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Writer's picture: Roots and Wings WomenRoots and Wings Women

Wonder and magic and appreciation are some of the most beautiful things we have in this world....

While my perspective may have changed over the years, with each passing year I grow to appreciate the magic that exists around us all the time. There is magic in the everyday world around us - from the coloring of the gold finch, blue jays, cardinals, and robins that flock to the area each year.... to the way that our earth can provide wonderful peaceful care and sustenance (trees to shade, a range of wild food, beautiful flowers, rushing calming water, and colors beyond the imagination in the sunlight/rain/shadow/flowers/etc)....

As a mother, I have learned that I want my children to grow with a continually appreciation and respect for the everyday magic - the magic of kindness among strangers, the wonder of something unexpected turning up, and of the unlimited possibilities that can exist in this diverse and amazing space we live in. I encourage their belief in fairies (and in particular all the insects that help run errands and do chores for fairies) and for them to make their own minds up about any other magical and fascinating things.

Having lost both of my parents and more friends and family members than I would like - I also encourage them to see and feel the warmth and support of all our ancestral members - to see them in the cardinals, in the unexpected gifts, in the foolish antics of our pups, and of the unexpected flower blooming where it shouldn't.

I once overheard a young child telling other children that magic, fairies, and ghosts didn't exist - This happened in my house - and so I decided to intervene and I told all the kids that our house - magic does exist, it is the best of all of us and it is what makes so many things worthwhile. And the beauty is we can all do magic, but just doing little kindnesses for each other and strangers and the world - and by slowing down enough to appreciate all the beauty and wonder that is out there. Trail magic along the Appalachian Trail is legendary and something that keeps so many long distance hikers going....

How much warmer and better would our lives and our world be if we all appreciated and practiced a little more magic, allowed ourselves the beauty of wonder and appreciation a little bit more.... I hope that I always find things that make me slow down and wonder at the power and beauty of our world....


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