About Arlia

I’ve been a spiritual seeker all my life. I was raised in a traditional religious household, and by the age of 12 I was actively absorbing all the teaching I could.
In my late 30s, my spiritual awakening was catalyzed by my parent’s divorce. It shattered the rules I’d been given and I began to question everything.
I left traditional religion and my spiritual seeking took on new life. I began a lifelong journey with spiritual practice rooted in the Toltec tradition. After several years, I returned to school and got a Master’s in Depth Psychology with an emphasis in Jungian and Archetypal Studies.
At the same time, I trained with Chameli Ardagh at Awakening Women Institute as a facilitator in women’s sacred circles called Women’s Temple. When I graduated from school, I began work with a nonprofit facilitating workshops in Servant Leadership.
I am now a minister of the Divine Feminine, leading Women's Temples, coaching, teaching leadership development in personal and organizational groups.
All of these paths weave beautifully together, calling the individual to an awareness and development of the inner life in the service of healing themselves and the world around them.
I resonate with the Sacred Activism described by Andrew Harvey. It is our responsibility to cultivate a sacred relationship with each other and the planet. Becoming as conscious an individual as we can impacts our behavior in the world and everyone around us.
My calling is to assist women in their awakening. Whether that be through shamanic practice, temple practice, or leadership development, every arena of life is ready for the feminine to rise to her inherent power and use it for healing the world.
With Roots and Wings, I am excited to partner with Virginia. I could never be mistaken for an athlete. But my personal practice has wedded me to the sacred integrity of the natural world. They are my teachers and my healing. The more I align with the standing people, the four leggeds and the winged creatures, the more I return to my true, holy, nature.
I know this program will be a powerful tool for women to find connection with Pachamama and each other. We are no longer in the age of the individual. We each travel our own path, but, now more than ever, we heal the world together. We don’t have to do it alone, and it will happen as we combine our hearts and hands in sacred action.